Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thomas and Kathleen Travis's wedding

Hey guys,

Over the weekend my cousin Thomas married his long time girlfriend Kathleen. It was wonderful celebration. Everyone was on pins and needles about the up and coming hurricane Sandy predicted but luckily she held out until everyone was home. We all had a great time 

Everyone waiting for the ceremony

Super Cute! In lieu of rose petals, the flower girl wore a banner announcing "Here Comes The Bride"  


 These boxes were for the guest to write where the bride and groom were going to be in 1, 5, & 10 years from now

 Beautiful Cake

 The wedding topper

 First Dance

 Hot apple cider for guests

 Mother and Son dance

 Champaign Toast!


 The bride is a big Harry Potter fan and they had props from the book

until next time,



  1. The color is great; and the lighting is too. I'm not a pro, but I'd say these are top notch. I love the way you catch everyone being natural. You ought to have some kind of job related to photography; weddings or even ad work.
