My narrative; The perfect day for shooting on the Highline NYC is ruined by rain. It is slightly autobiographical. I always aim to shoot provocative and creative images when I am at places commonly photographed. I find places that are highly covered more difficult to shoot, I know there is a surplus of stock images online stronger than mine if I shoot the expected. My original idea was to shoot photographers; amateur, hobbyists, and professionals, who were photographing the Highline and what their images might be. About 30-45 minutes after I arrived there was a sun-shower starting and I decided to keep shooting. I like the way it turned out. It's more sequential than my original idea, and it forced me to improve my skills with the fourth dimension; time. Also all the umbrellas in the city popping up remind me of desert flowers blooming in the rain.
I did a small study on motion today. Stop action, panning, and motion blur. It does feel weird how I ended up shooting a nice chunk of cyclist shots. Even the little girl is riding a tricycle. All the bike races I go to must be rubbing off on me. Future idea; 100 cyclist??? maybe?
EXCITING- I finished editing a still life project I did. I'm very happy with the result, considering I don't consider myself a still life photographer. Though I did cheat a bit and include some of my class mates looking through the view finder as extras. The lighting was to beautiful not to.
I just got these up from Sunday's Pawling Cycle Race. It was a nice crowd to shoot, but I wish I could say the same about metering a crazy intense mid-day sun and shadows. Though after an awkward sunburn, four hours in a car with no air conditioning, dirt covering my dress; it was completely worth it. My SD card was STUFFED with knock out shots. I have to edit my 600+ in between classes and job hunting now. It's no wonder you need to be a bit nuts to be in an art field.
Many more are to come soon, and I will be creating an image store of my shots if anyone was interested in previewing and/or purchasing a print.
Our lighting presentation in my Photography Basic class ending up being a spontaneous photoshoot. I was the only one in class with any experience with lighting or portraits, so everyone let me control the lights and the set up the entire time. I love how theatrical these turned out.
I finally was able to use some of my portrait skills for my Intro to Digital class at FIT. Brandon was an awesome model. I love working in a studio with studio lighting. I think the one in the middle with the motion blur in hysterical, and totally him and his sense of humor. How come your test shots come out the best sometimes?
I had a wonderful 4th of July, hung out with David for most of it. I got some great shots of the fireworks in Roselle Park NJ. I only wish I was able to find a firework show near by that wasn't on the 4th so I could have two firework shows I could shoot. Maybe I'll shoot some more on a Friday Night in Coney Island this summer.